The Kingdom (Reign ) of God


What Jesus refers to as "the kingdom of God" (in the New Testament basileia: realm or dominion) is also referred to in the Gospel of Matthew as "the kingdom of the heavens."  At the outset of his ministry, Jesus announces, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news."  The kingdom of God is the place where God's power of love transforms human lives.  This is a realm that can be "seen" and "entered into" (John 3:3-5).  

When we pray the Lord's Prayer, as Jesus has taught us to pray, we pray that God's kingdom will come on earth and God's will be done on earth.  The way we live our lives in faith is an answer to the very prayer that we make.  

In a Foundations of Faith Class, people shared some of their understandings of the kingdom of God, which included:


--anywhere, everywhere that God is

--the place where God's will is being done

--the kin-dom

--"My Father's House" (with lots of room!)

--where life extends beyond death

--all encompassing

--the Community of God: com (with)-unity (together)

To see and enter the kingdom profoundly impacts how we see and experience life right now.

Confirmands (and accompaniers), I would like you to spend time reading and reflecting on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which you will find in Matthew Chapters 5-7.  Jesus offers deep insight into God's character and how God sees us n the world.  It is also a collection of his core teachings on how w are to live as his disciples.  We might think of it as kingdom living!"



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