The Community of the Spirit


"All who believed were together and had all things in common . . ."--Acts 2:44

Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-35 describe a community of faith born of God's Spirit and living in the Spirit's power.  Let's read the texts carefully and note the qualities of a "spirited community:"

--daily worship together
--a devotion to prayer
--a devotion to learning (careful listening and applied practice)
--a devotion to fellowship and a shared table
--the celebration of the Lord's Supper
--glad and generous hearts
--constant praise of God
--distribute possessions as any have need (no "absolute" private property)
--entire community is cared for
---committed to spreading the good news of God's love everywhere

As we read through the texts we marveled at the emphasis on how the people in the first church were wiling to sell their private property, even homes, in order to have enough resources to take care of everyone in the community (2:35;4:34).  We also noted the awe experienced in the wake of the many  "wonders and signs." 

In what ways is St. Andrew's such a community?  Here are some responses:

--we worship together weekly;
--we praise God with our voices and whole selves;
--Fellowship Hall has been a weekly gathering place for sharing food and conversation, on our feet and at table, practicing community;
--we welcome new people in our community and understand them as God's gifts;
--we receive an offering each week, which supports the ministry and outreach of the church and impacts peoples' lives in tangible ways.

We resolved to be attentive to the movement and inspiration of the Holy Spirit in our faith community!


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